Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: First week of school

Week of 08/06/12 - 08/10/12

We Did it!!  We survived our 1st official week of "School" at home.   Of course, this is only Greyson's Pre-K year so "School Time" is a very small chunk of time but, we were successful in trying to start a consistent routine.  This week was a HUGE learning experience for me (I admit, I had tears on Monday out of frustration).  Greyson was in a formal preschool program last year so I am in the process of trying to understand HOW he learns, WHAT he already knows, and what my expectations/goals should be.  

Work.....In.....Progress for sure!  

How to make the first day special???  Donuts (and coffee for me), of course :) 

  • Memory Verse:  We are learning the verse for Sunday School each week.  Verse this week -   "A wise person stays calm" Proverbs 12:16
 Read Alouds
 Readiness Skills
  • Worked on pages out of the Developing the Early Learner: Level 1*.   He is not a big fan of worksheets but, can handle a couple of these a day (most days).   When he wanted to stop, we stopped.

Listening and following directions

REALLY excited that he stayed between the lines
 The Sun

  • Learned about the SUN this week out of the Berenstain Bears' Big Book of Science and Nature*
  • Learned that plants and seeds need the SUN & water for it to grow.  I picked radishes for us to grow b/c the package said that it took the least amount of days to grow.  We did Science on Monday & Greyson checked on his plant every day. By Friday, we saw GREEN and he was so excited!
  • Made a SUN Craft (he was only interested in painting & had no interest in gluing it together)
  • Talked about the heat from the SUN and watched an ice cube melt - he was impressed :)
  • Talked about Shadows and got to watch our shadows change positions. 
  • Read other books about the SUN and shadows throughout the week.  Greyson's favorite was Guess Whose Shadow!! 

Our Journey through God's World
  • Started an introduction to Geography this week.
  • Created a "Me on the Map" craft to show our house, our street, our city, our state, our county, our continent, and our planet.  We will continue to review for him to fully understand.
  • Sang (over and over) the Continent Song & practiced pointing the continents out on his new World Map Puzzle.


Greyson's Library Book choices for the week
  •  We read these over and over and over again...  :)

And we did a LOT of this.... He loves the pool and is so proud of his latest swimming abilities!  Fearless!  We made it there most afternoons this week for a lot of jumping, diving, and swimming! 


  1. Aw! What a GREAT week! It can be hard to figure everything out, but it'll come so just hang in there! I miss this time in their lives! Mine are growing right up!

  2. What a wonderful week! My son will be learning continents this year and I plan to use that song. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. It sounds like a good week. I really like the craft to show where in the world you are. I miss those preschool days. Enjoy! :-)

  4. Wonderful first week! We're doing core p 4/5 too.

  5. What a nice and fun way to introduce PreK in your home (with lots of books!) We are also doing prek in our home this year and we plan to have loads of fun just really enjoying this age.

  6. woo hoo - welcome to the club! Looks like a great 1st week! you're a pro!!
